Sunday, July 28, 2013

Cough Cough

I am Sick! (mauve is the colour of danger)
   I woke up early this morning FREEZING cold.  So I'm running around piling on winter clothes, turning off fans, and shivering in bed trying to draw heat from my husband (who is like a space heater).  I dreamt feverish dreams of recurring looping things that never resolve themselves and it was winter and snowing. That's always how I dream when I have a fever.  Its not very restful.  I also dreamt I visited my family and while I was in the bathroom my husband left and when I finally got a hold of him he said he was at Roberts visiting college friends!  I got a ride home from his old neighbor in his sweet old convertible.  It was also cold then.

   I blame many things for these dreams and my sickness:
1. Netflix for allowing me to watch most anything anytime including late into the night
2. Candycrush for being so addicting
3. party where I saw my husband's old neighbor
4. former high school student who is going to be attending Roberts
5.  laptop for being so convenient to watch netflix and hulu on
6. kids I watch for probably infecting me (but its totally worth it)
7. Hulu for having America's Next Top Model (which I've already seen) and Moone Boy (ditto)
love this kid and this show!

I've spent most of today lounging on the couch, alternating between being cold and hot, dealing with a headache and aching back, and watching Dr. Who on Netflix.
Christopher Eccleston doctor who
not as scary as in 28 days later, just as mad though
 From the beginning.  I love his craziness and was so excited to see Simon Pegg.
simon pegg Doctor Who
Love him!
Also being waited on hand and foot by a very wonderful husband and being cuddled with by big and loveable orange cat Maxxis.

Maxxis is very big and very cuddly
Also watched a few Top Gear episodes.
some say his sweat can clean precious metals
Hopefully I feel better tomorrow, I have paint to buy for our new bathroom!!
Prayers appreciated.

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